Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Ways to Keep Your Facebook Classy

With the way the world is today--with texting, sexting, snapchat, twitter and facebook--it's easy for text to be read in a thousand different ways when there is no tone or body language present. This makes the "rules of engagement" easy to forgo, easy to misinterpret, and easy to manipulate. That being said, it's important for you to set ground rules for yourself when you are making posts, posting images, or what have you.

Now I'm not saying I'm perfect, nor am I saying that you should take every single piece of my advice, but I think with the New Year come and gone, and perhaps some embarrassing photos being posted, here are my "rules" that I have for myself. Maybe you could adopt some for yourself, maybe they'll just inspire you to make your own, or maybe you'll like all of them and add some more. Whatever your fancy, here it goes.

  1. Don't post anything passive aggressive. Don't get me wrong, I am MORE than guilty of this one (sadly, not even that long ago). But all this does is make you look like you're playing the victim and, quite frankly, it makes you look like an attention whore. Whether that's your intention or not is not the issue; that's what at least 90% of your friends are thinking. And come on, it's just not classy. You want to handle your drama behind closed doors in a timely and mature manner, not in a super passive aggressive way on Facebook. If for no other reason than that you do NOT want a future (or current) employer to see that. They'll think it speaks to your character. 
  2. Don't posts too many (if any) butt/boob/shirtless pictures. Specifically I mean the pictures where you are pretty much posting a picture of just your boobs and MAYBE your lips, or you are turning around in the bathroom and just essentially taking a picture of your butt, or you are clearly in your bedroom, with your shirt off and just went "hey, yeah man, I look great. I need to show these abs to everyone I know!" First of all, unless you are ripped like the men in 300, women rarely think it's hot. It just makes you look like a player. Second of all, I've only ever searched for those kinds of pictures of Jared Leto or Channing Tatum. Ladies, don't do the boobs or butt because that shows little to no respect for your body. Don't flash that stuff for just anyone! Especially the internet. And really, prince charming is looking for a classy girl, not "boob girl". Come on ladies! You're better than that. And again, if it must be said... potential employer stumbles on your album titled "cOnFiDeNcE<3"? I'm pretty sure you'll lose brownie points.
  3. Try to make less than 20% of your photos be selfies. This one might be controversial for some. I know more than enough people who pretty much exclusively post pictures of themselves. But I'll break it down. a) selfies get boring for your audience real fast. Unless you're famous. And even then, there's a limit. b) no one cares unless you got a new hair cut, make over, hair do, hat, outfit, crazy sunburn, braces off, or maybe even plastic surgery. Essentially, something has to be different about you/your face. c) at least for me, every time I see a selfie, I imagine just how many pictures you actually took of yourself before you were finally satisfied. Not to mention, I could have probably read 40 pages of my new book in the time it would take some people I know to finish taking selfies. Essentially, you could be doing so much more things with your time. d) if a potential employer sees all the pictures you take in class of yourself, in the bathroom, at your desk, etc, what kind of employee might you be? Just picture it. You got your tube of lipstick, your arm outstretched in the air with your camera phone at your desk, posting duck face pictures. #firstday #nervous! Yeah #fired. 
  4. Post statuses that you would essentially send in a mass text to everyone you know (family, friends, neighbors, etc). On days that I'm sick and crazy bored, I give in and sometimes post meaningless statuses like "omg I do not want to be sick anymore". Alright, fine, you got me. But if anyone posts statuses like, "my hair smells weird" or "buying a diet coke"... come on. Facebook should almost be treated as an announcement bulletin. If you wouldn't get on a microphone and say it to everyone you know in a large music hall, don't post it.
  5. Take Facebook event invites seriously. This is probably the most misused and mistreated part of Facebook. People see the invite, they just post maybe because they cannot be bothered with checking their schedule now, and then when people start posting on the invite, or when the host reminds everyone to RSVP, people just turn off the notifications and don't bother to RSVP. The best part is the people who are usually guilty of this are also the people passive aggressively posting how they have no friends that invite them anywhere. Take RSVPing and Facebook invites seriously, and I promise you, you'll get a lot more respect from your friends!

In short, yes. 

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