Tuesday, January 7, 2014

5 Things You Should Do in the Morning

With all the ways things are now-a-days, there are plenty of things that get lost in the rush of life. We have to get up, catch the bus, beat traffic, get to work or school, eat lunch, get home, feed the cat, catch dinner with friends, get sleep. But there are times where just taking an extra 20 minutes in your morning to relax and get yourself ready for the day can have some great pay offs.
  1. Get up a little earlier. Not feeling rushed will help you feel more relaxed throughout the day, and it leaves time for you to...
  2. Eat breakfast. The days of skipping breakfast are over. There are studies that report women who eat breakfast weighed less than those who didn't. That's because eating breakfast within the first 30 minutes of being awake revs up your metabolism for the rest of the day, making you weigh less. 
  3. 3 minute Yoga Routine. I recommend trying this one out. Doing yoga in the morning helps you stay relaxed and calm for the day, and even regulates your sleep rhythm! Check out the 7 Benefits of Early-Morning Yoga. You could also just go for a 3-5 minute walk. 
  4. Read something. You don't have to read the newspaper or even something that impressive, just read the articles your friends post, a romance novel you're reading, or a magazine. Reading in the morning can help you focus better for the rest of the day.
  5. Get ready for the day. For some, this is a no-brainer. But for others, there are a lot of mornings that you would rather hit the snooze button a couple more times than get ready for the day. But let me tell you... you might not smell your morning breath, but everyone else can. Going straight from your bed, to a quick jean swap and out the door leaves you smelling and looking like you don't care at all about your appearance. Not to mention, it can make you feel icky all day! Just get up; hitting the snooze button doesn't actually make you feel anymore rested. Also, a tip: screens like your phone can actually lower melatonin levels and make you feel more awake. If you're having a really hard time getting up, check your facebook for 5 minutes instead of hitting the snooze button!

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